Happy New Year!

I hope 2012 is off to a great start for everyone.
Each December I spend most of my free time drafting a ridiculously long list of goals -- both big and small -- for the upcoming year. Last month was no different and, in fact, my list for 2012 is my longest yet, coming in at over 150 goals.
Inspired by Kaileen Elise, I've decided that this year in order to make all these goals a bit more manageable I'm going to post a few intentions for the month. These intentions will help me focus on certain things for the month and will be related to my personal mission for 2012, which is to be physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually well.
So here are my January intentions:
1. Give up meat for 21 Days of Prayer (a time of fasting and rededication at my church).
2. Grow closer to God during 21 Days of Prayer.
3. Try Pole Yourself Thin fitness class. (What? Church going gals can be sexy too!)
4. Continue training for my upcoming half marathon.
5. Write more articles for Clutch and Guerrero Howe.
What do you intend to do this month?
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